Rising Stars Weekly Discussions: Healthy Eating for Kids

Raising kids to eat healthily can feel overwhelming, especially as they start forming their own opinions about food. It's important for their growth and development, their immune system, and to reduce the risk of chronic diseases later in life.
Children aged over 1 get most of their nutrition from solid food, and it's crucial for them to eat a variety of foods to get the vitamins and minerals they need. This means they should eat protein-rich foods, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. The amount of each food group they need varies by age, gender, and how active they are.
However, kids usually prefer what they already know, and getting them to try new foods or make sure they're eating from all food groups can be hard. So, establishing healthy eating habits is important.
Tip1: Offer a wide variety of foods at each sitting
Tip2: Create a meal and snack schedule
Tip3: Limit, but don’t restrict less nutritious foods
Tip4: Model healthy eating habits
Tip5: Implement the division of responsibility
Tip6: Eat meals as a family
Tip7:Shop and cook with your kids
Tip8:Stock up on healthy essentials
Tip9:Keep healthy snacks on hand